Myths About Buying or Selling a Business

2 October 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog


A business can be an extremely valuable asset to hold. However, individuals should note that it is not necessary to build a successful business from scratch. In fact, it can be possible to use a business broker to purchase an enterprise that is already established.

Myth: You Will Be Unable to Evaluate a Business Before Purchasing It

Due to the costs involved with buying a business from the previous owner as well as the ownership costs of the enterprise, it is vital to perform your due diligence when it comes to evaluating the financial status and history of the business. Otherwise, you could find yourself owning an enterprise that may not be in the best financial condition. Luckily, a reputable business broker will take great care to help their clients with thoroughly researching the financial status and history of an enterprise before they commit to purchasing it. This can include reviewing the debts and income of the business as well as the value of the assets that the enterprise owns.

Myth: Business Brokers Only Work With Large Clients & Enterprises

While it is common for business brokers to work with large clients that are selling and buying major companies, it is also common for them to work with individuals that are dealing with small or medium businesses. In fact, these clients will typically make up the bulk of the clients for many business brokers, and this can help them to understand the unique challenges and limitations that come into play when a person is buying or selling a small business. For example, these enterprises are more likely to have older equipment or higher debt levels.

Myth: It Is Impossible to Get a Fair Price When Selling a Business

When a person is looking to get rid of a business that they own, they may be worried about their options for getting a fair price for this enterprise. Considering that they may have spent years building the enterprise, this is an understandable concern. Fortunately, those that work with a business broker may find that it is easier for them to obtain a fair price for their enterprise. This is due to the broker's marketing efforts and the pool of potential buyers. Furthermore, the seller will always have the final say over whether or not they accept the price that is being offered for the enterprise. When calculating the price that you would want for the business, it is wise to include the costs of using the broker service in this amount.